Severe Personal Injuries
Proudly Representing the Chattanooga, Nashville and Nearby Atlanta, GA areas for 30 years
Common Boating Accident Injuries
There are three common types of boating accidents:
What is the Discovery Phase of a Personal Injury Claim?
There are several steps required for a personal injury claim to reach mediation or come to a trial. One of the most important is the discovery phase.
Leading Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury
An estimated 1.5 million Americans suffer traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. For many, this injury will produce permanent damage, forever altering things as diverse as cognitive processing, emotional regulation, and physical control.
Dangerous Jobs and Personal Injury Law
Some of the most dangerous jobs in America are in industries that have loopholes allowing employers to skirt workers’ compensation laws. By classifying employees as “independent contractors,” employers aren’t required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, which can force workers to pay out-of-pocket for injuries sustained on the job.
Accidents with Commercial Trucks
Accidents with commercial trucks can be much more complex than accidents with passenger cars. When you are involved in an accident with a commercial truck, injury may be much more serious. What’s more, there may be multiple parties involved – some of whom are not even on the scene of the accident.
Who Will Pay for My Car Accident Injuries?
When you are injured in a car accident, insurance will typically cover medical expenses, property damage, and related expenses. The amount insurance is willing to pay and how far that payment goes is dependent on several factors, including the role you played in your accident.