New research has found that teen nicotine use has doubled since 2017. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 37.3% of 12th graders, 32.3% of 10th graders, and17.6% of eight graders report having used a vape pen. Sadly, many studies have found that a number of...
Herbert Thornbury's Blog
Proudly Representing the Chattanooga, Nashville and Nearby Atlanta, GA areas for 30 years
According to the National Council on Aging, one in ten people over the age of 60 will face some form of abuse. Known as elder abuse, this may encompass any number of mistreatments including:
- Physical or sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Exploitation
- Neglect
- Willful deprivation
These abuses often occur in nursing homes, but may also occur at the hands of a family...
Read MoreIn the state of Tennessee, members of the nuclear family are entitled to seek damages following wrongful death. For adults, these claims are typically filed by a surviving spouse, but in cases where there is no spouse, children, including adopted children of the deceased, may make a claim. In situations with neither spouse nor children are...
When you are involved in a car accident, both what you do and do not do afterward can have a big impact on how much compensation you are able to seek. Knowing what to do after a car accident before you get into one is always best, but each accident is different and outlined steps, while good for guidance, may not be applicable in every case.
Following a car accident, you may be too injured to take pictures, interview witnesses, and collect information from the other driver. If your injury is severe, you will...
Read MoreWhen you are selecting a nursing home, it is important that you choose one that will provide a safe, caring, nurturing, and protective environment for its residents. There are several nursing homes in Chattanooga and surrounding areas, which can make the task of choosing one seem daunting. Fortunately, there are many resources available for choosing the best nursing home.
Read MoreIn the state of Tennessee, a semi-truck can be in the left lane when it is passing another vehicle or when turning left. Trucks going slower than the pace of traffic must stay in the right lane or right lanes when multiple lanes are present. In some areas or at certain times, trucks may be barred from entering the left lane at all. In these instances, highway signage will be present to indicate that trucks are only allowed in the left lane to pass.
Why Can’t Trucks Cruise in the Left Lane?
Read MoreThere were more than 7 million police-reported car accidents in 2016, the last year for which full statistics are available. Of these, just over 2 million resulted in personal injury. An additional 34,439 resulted in death. 1,041 of those fatal car...
According to the Times Free Press, electric scooter company, Lime, will allow locals to test drive its scooters at Miller Park, 910 Market St., from 5-7pm today. The Free Press reports that the city has yet to establish rules for electric scooters and...
The typical semi truck weighs around 80,000 pounds. At this weight, traveling at a speed of 65 miles per hour, it takes about 525 feet to come to a safe and complete stop - and this is under ideal driving conditions. Add in wet or icy roads, wind, curves, and other factors, and the stopping distance required for a semi truck traveling at highway speeds can easily close in...
October 21-27 is National Teen Driver Safety Week. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has created materials for parents to use when discussing safe driving with teens and to help them avoid causing or being involved in a car accident. Visit the...